
DiscoverE is the backbone organization behind Engineers Week™ (established 1951), Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day™ (2001), World Engineering Day (2016, formerly known as Global Day of the Engineer), the Persist Series (2005), and the Future City Competition™ (1993). Our programs and resources have been adopted by individuals and organizations around the globe.

Our programs cover pre-k to work force and intersect at the points of corporate social responsibility, public affairs, and talent acquisition. They are highly collaborative, represent the breadth of engineering, and are compelling yet simple to execute. This strategy enables organizational partners, volunteers, and educators to effectively reach millions of students, parents, and young adults with the message that engineers work with smart, inspiring people to invent, design, and create things that matter.

DiscoverE’s mission

Our mission

DiscoverE is a coalition providing every student with a shared STEM experience and the resources, programs, and connections to improve the understanding of engineering through a united voice and a global distribution network.

Our vision

DiscoverE believes a shared STEM experience with an engineer, educator, and student can transform the world.

Our guiding principles

We believe:

  • None of us is as strong as all of us
  • Access for all
  • United voice
  • The engineering design process brings out the engineer in each of us
  • Mentors and role models are crucial to attract and retain people in engineering

Padmanabhan Seshaiyer, PhD


Tenured Professor of Mathematical Sciences; Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Science at George Mason University

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Malika Grayson, PhD

Vice President

Founder of STEMinist Empowered LLC

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DiscoverE board member Kara Freeman

Kara D. Freeman, CAE, PMP, MBA


President & CEO, NACUBO

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Kathy Renzetti, CAE

Executive Director

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DiscoverE board member Margaret Dominguez

Margaret Dominguez, PhD

Optical Engineer, NASA

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DiscoverE Board member Rick Guerra headshot

Rick Guerra, P.E., F.NSPE

CEO, Jose I. Guerra, Inc.

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Dale Jans, P.E.

Vice President, Jans Corporation

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Michael D. Smith, D. Eng.

Kodi J. Verhalen, P.E., ESQ., F.NSPE

Partner, Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP

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Kathy Renzetti

Executive Director

Thea Sahr

Deputy Executive Director

Susan Hoopes

Director of Programs

Jesslyn Savage headshot

Jesslyn Savage

Director of Corporate and Foundation Giving

Ellen Robinson

Program Manager

Sarah Moore

Marketing Manager

Pedro Razo headshot, DiscoverE's Program Associate

Pedro Johnson

Program Associate

Maddy Faraco headshot

Maddy Faraco

Program Manager, Future City High School

Headshot of Ashley Wirtz

Ashley Wirtz

Program Manager, Future City Middle School

Leadership council

Bechtel logo

Our coalition
DiscoverE:  none of us is as strong as all of us

Our dual mission of celebrating the accomplishments of engineers and engaging K-12 students in engineering is made real by a robust coalition of activist partner organizations, volunteers, and educators.

DiscoverE works with our coalition partners to continually:

Grow and support volunteer and educator engagement so we reach more students, parents, and the general public.

Increase the number of coalition partners and strengthen existing relationships to leverage impact.

Drive and amplify conversations internally and externally about engineering education and workforce development.

It’s Working,

  • More than 300,000 volunteers and educators work with 5 million students each year to engage students in engineering.
  • 51% of students are White, 22% are Hispanic, 16% are Black/African-American, 9% are Asian, 2% are American Indian or Native Hawaiian.
  • 40% are below the Federal Poverty Level
  • 53% are girls and 47% are boys

As a result of participating in DiscoverE programs:

  • 92% of teachers said their students practiced their problem-solving abilities.
  • 86% of teachers reported their students learned about engineering degrees.
  • 82% of teachers said their students gained confidence in their ability to do engineering activities.

Yet More Needs To Be Done

  • 84% of DiscoverE educators and 88% of volunteers report meeting a STEM professional helps students learn about engineering careers.
  • 74% of educators report that their students do not have many opportunities to meet an engineer or technical professional.

We challenge you to help us reach every child and provide an engineering experience.

Join the coalition

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