Messages Matter
Messages Matter: When we change how we talk about engineering, we can change what students think about engineering.
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Messages & More
Embed engineering messages in your outreach and teaching and increase students’ interest!
Download These Resources:
The Research Is In!
Messages Matter
Learn what today’s teens and their parents think about college and careers and what resonates and motivates them to consider engineering.
Despite The Odds
Learn what the common factors are that motivate girls to pursue engineering—and then persist—in engineering education and careers.
Related Resources
Inclusive Experiences
Learn how you can create welcoming engineering environments and build a student’s STEM identity.
Everyone is a role model. You can inspire students and grow their interest in engineering.
Connecting with Kids

When kids meet engineers, do activities, and hear about the field: their interest increases!
Share Messages Matter!
Hear From Engineers!
Is Engineering Really Open to Everyone?
What degree requirements exist for a career in engineering?
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