Chats with Change Makers
Join us for Discover Engineering's "Chats with Change Makers" that invites students to meet STEM role models who are working hard to change the world.
Join us for Discover Engineering's "Chats with Change Makers" that invites students to meet STEM role models who are working hard to change the world.
Discover Engineering’s “Chats with Change Makers” invites students to meet engineers, technicians and STEM role models.
Join us for a virtual live chat with Dr. Terry Anderson, a systems engineer who writes specifications for computers used on aircraft systems at Northrop Grumman.
Tune in to hear her stories, ask questions, and learn more about her career in engineering.
RegisterJoin us for a virtual chat with Zita Holland.
Tune in to hear her stories and learn about her career as an agricultural engineer at John Deere.
An agricultural engineer who helps make sure that John Deere tractors follow the rules.
A grade 10 student from Florida and participant of SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers).
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