Engineers Week Grant Applications

Are you launching a new engineering outreach program or have exciting ideas to improve an existing program or event? Fund your project with a DiscoverE Engineers Week Outreach Grant!

The goals of this grant program are to engage youth (particularly underserved K-12 students) with hands-on learning experiences and events that inspire an interest and understanding of engineering and take place in or around Engineers Week.

DiscoverE is excited to make available a limited number of grants ranging between $250 and $1000 for Engineers Week programs taking place on and around Engineers Week.
Application Deadline: Monday, November 4 at 11:59pm ET. Applicants will be notified of a decision by early December.
Eligibility Requirements
  • Events or activities must be offered in connection with Engineers Week and take place between February 1, 2025, and April 30, 2025.
  • Programs do not need to be new but must meet all other requirements.
  • Programs, events, and activities aimed at underserved K-12 students will receive priority consideration. If a program or event is focused on a majority audience of girls or students of marginalized gender, please apply for a Girl Day grant instead.
  • Grants are intended to help fund programs and events led by not-for-profit organizations. If you are applying as a for-profit organization or corporation, your application may not be considered.
  • Grants are limited to organizations located in the United States.
  • Applicants who received a grant within the last three years are not eligible to apply. New applications from individuals or organizations who previously applied for an Engineers Week grant, and were not accepted, will be considered.

Additional Requirements

  • Participating students and volunteers must complete a short, online survey about their experience.
  • A short report is due 30 days after the event is completed. Report must include: Digital photos (videos are encouraged!) from the event AND permission to use photos in marketing efforts. DiscoverE will provide template for photo release forms and signage to post at large events.
  • DiscoverE encourages events that offer students open-ended, hands-on engineering challenges. As part of DiscoverE’s “Access for all” mission, activities that use low-cost, every day materials are preferable to projects that rely on pre-designed activity kits.
  • Looking for activity ideas? DiscoverE has a brand-new engineering activity website featuring 170+ activities you can filter by age group, topic, time and engineering career connection.


  • Funds will be disbursed in two payments, 50% will be paid upon grant approval and the remaining 50% will be paid upon receipt of the final report and event photos.
  • Funds can be used for programmatic support, such as: site rental; food (lunches for students, etc.); transportation, photography, educational materials, essential project supplies, and postage.
  • Funds cannot be used for student scholarships or tuition reimbursement.

Engineers Week (February 2024) Grantees:

10-7 Farms in Bowling Green, VA

James Wadsworth STEM Elementary School in Chicago, IL

Kid’s Innovation Playground in Slippery Rock, PA

Nova Eisenhower Elementary School in Davie, FL

United Inventors Association in Saint Augustine, FL

Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda MD



Engineers Week 2025 Outreach Grant Application

By submitting this application you agree to receive communication from DiscoverE.
Your contact information will NOT be shared outside of DiscoverE.