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Together we can achieve great things. That’s why DiscoverE is committed to scaling impact, coalition building, and providing free programs and resources for volunteers and educators.
Meet DiscoverE’s Change Makers
Meet Peyton Gibson, a civil engineer and urban economist who works with architecture, engineering, and construction companies to design and make a better world for everyone.
Discover Engineering
Engineering Activities
Our Blog
5 Engineering Messages to Share
We’ve spent more than a year researching student attitudes, thoughts, concerns, and hopes about engineering through our Messages Matter research project. The results are pretty clear: when we change the way we talk about engineering, we can change what students think about engineering!
Read the full blog post.
3 Easy Ways to Interest Kids in Engineering
While there’s no magic formula involved, there are three key elements to nurture a child’s interest in engineering: talk about engineering, connect them with role models, and do engineering activities.
Read the full blog post.
Are Engineers Really Just Born?
The big myth in engineering is that engineers are born, not made. Meaning you are either destined to be an engineer due to some innate genetic makeup or you’re not. Well, I call foul on this.
Read the full blog post.
DiscoverE’s Advisory and Diversity Council represents over 2 million engineers and engineering students and are committed to inspiring the next generation of innovators.
DiscoverE is the definitive voice on engineering and STEM, the go-to resource for the messaging that anyone can use, and the place where the engineering community collaborates to help inform and educate the public on the value and essential nature of engineering.
– Jane Howell, Chief Communications Officer, American Society of Civil Engineers
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