Discover Engineering Blog

DiscoverE’s blog features ideas and strategies you can use to nurture a student’s engineering identity and to celebrate how engineers and technicians make the world a better place.


young girl excited about the paper tower she built at an engineering outreach event
Four Girls and their Role Model do a hands-on activity.
Celebrate Engineering

Build Your Career Through Volunteering!

Not only is volunteering fulfilling, it's a great way to build your career as you develop your professional skills and opportunities. This was the takeaway message from a DiscoverE webinar. Our panelists Dale Jans, VP of Jans Corporation; Danielle Couger, Senior...

Recent Posts

Transform a Student’s Future on Giving Tuesday!

Today is #GivingTuesday! Around the world, people are giving to the causes that matter the most to them.   Like you, DiscoverE believes every student in the world deserves access to free engineering and STEM experiences.  DiscoverE has built an active community of...

Discovering DiscoverE for #GivingTuesday

DiscoverE believes every student in the world deserves access to free engineering and STEM experiences.  Why does this matter? Numerous studies predict STEM job shortages based on industry growth. The US Bureau of Labor predicts a shortage of six million engineers by...

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