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Young Man Holding Globe and Woman Smile At Camera
A man and woman lean in holding a globe and smiling at the camera. Photo by Lisa Abitbol
Middle School Students Build With Blocks
Two middle school boys and a middle school girl build with blocks. Photo By Lisa Abitbol
Young Woman and Girl Stack Blocks Precariously
A young woman and a young girl make a high stack of blocks on the floor, the young girl placing a precarious item on the very top. Photo by Lisa Abitbol
2 Teenage Girls Work On Printer Looking At Camera
Two teenage girls work on a printer, the one on the left stands in a black polkadot shirt, they're looking at the camera.
2 Girls Lean In Disassembling a Printer
Two girls lean in while taking apart a printer. Photo by Lisa Abitbol
Middle School Boy Holds DiscoverE Sign
Middle school aged boy holds a DiscoverE sign, in a yellow shirt. Photo by Lisa Abitbol
2 Young Women Disassemble A Printer
Two young women take apart a printer, the one on the left in a green shirt, the one on the right leans forward with a braid. Photo by Lisa Abitbol