Cities of the Future

Imagine stepping 50 years into the future and finding smart cities designed to be totally sustainable. Renewable energy is our primary power source, space-based solar power provides solar energy 24 hours a day, everything is recycled, and you travel in individualized pods that run on little or no energy. This isn’t science fiction. Engineers are making plans for a sustainable world right now!

Dream Big

Dream Big is a HUGE film. Literally. A film for IMAX® and giant screen theaters that takes viewers on a journey of discovery from the world’s tallest building to a bridge higher than the clouds and a solar car race across Australia. The film shows more than the ingenuity behind these marvels—it reveals the heart that drives engineers to create better lives for people worldwide.

Community screenings

A Dream Big screening is a great way to showcase and celebrate engineering for youth and engineers alike. Whatever your goals—reaching underserved youth, sharing engineering with the educators in your community, or galvanizing your colleagues— a Dream Big screening adds sizzle to your outreach.

Blueprint for success

  1. Decide on your audience and event goals.
  2. Plan the type of event using the film as a centerpiece. Is this a field trip, a screening with a suite of speakers, or a prelude to hands-on activities for teachers or kids?
  3. Determine the best time of day—a weekday afternoon, evening or weekend morning? Consider audience availability and ticket or rental fees before finalizing.
  4. Find out if a theater near you is showing the film.

Getting the film

  • Blu-Ray and DVD copies are available for purchase on Amazon.
  • Stream the film for a small fee at Vimeo On Demand.
  • Schedule a Virtual Field Trip that includes a film screening and educational activities.
  • To schedule a screening in an IMAX, Giant Screen or any digital theater for an additional fee, or for any other questions contact MacGillivray Freeman.

Girls night out

Dream Big introduces audiences to three female engineers who are powerful role models. Show the girls in your community what careers in engineering look like by hosting a Girls Night Out event.

Blueprint for success

  1. With the Dream Big film as its centerpiece, determine where you’ll host your event.
  2. Invite a dynamic female engineer to introduce the film, or have a panel of female engineers from different backgrounds take questions at the end.
  3. Determine your ideal number of participants. Work with organizations like Girls, Inc., Girl Scouts, or National Girls Collaborative Project, to reach underserved girls in your community.
  4. Following the film, seat the girls and engineers and undergraduates at round tables to facilitate discussion and do STEM activities.
  5. Invite the girls’ female relatives or teachers. Show them how they can sustain enthusiasm and interest in engineering after the event.
  6. Serve really good snacks.


Getting the film

  • Blu-Ray and DVD copies are available for purchase on Amazon.
  • Stream the film for a small fee at Vimeo On Demand.
  • Schedule a Virtual Field Trip that includes a film screening and educational activities.
  • To schedule a screening in an IMAX, Giant Screen or any digital theater for an additional fee, or for any other questions contact MacGillivray Freeman.

Challenge exhibits

These original Design Challenge Exhibits link directly to content seen in Dream Big. Each document contains a design manual with instructions for building each exhibit. These exhibits are designed for display in museum maker spaces or other areas where families can tinker and solve an engineering challenge just like engineers do.

Design Challenge Exhibit: Cable Stayed Bridge

Discover the beautiful, modern design of a cable stayed bridge. Visitors can test the effect of gravity as they experiment with different loads. By using different materials they’ll learn that while gravity constantly pulls a bridge roadway down, cables or supports must supply an opposing force upward.


Design Challenge Exhibit: Shake Table

Future engineers can test how to build structures to withstand earthquakes. Kids will discover that using designs and materials that are flexible are often best able to withstand seismic forces.



Dream Big

Ads, posters, and artwork