Support DiscoverE
Transform a student’s future: introduce them to engineering!
Why should you support DiscoverE? Your support allows DiscoverE to engage K-12 students in engineering and tech.
Here are ways you can support DiscoverE:
Do you represent a corporation or foundation?
If you would like to support DiscoverE, please contact our Corporate and Foundation Giving Team.
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Make a difference in inspiring future engineers
Our focus
Shared experiences annually with students, educators, and volunteers to spread the understanding that engineering can transform the world.
K-12 underserved and underrepresented students reached annually with free programs and resources that expand access to engineering education.
Solving engineering’s workforce readiness issues is bigger than any one person, program or organization.
Why focus on engineering and tech?
Our reach and impact
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Make a difference in inspiring future engineers
We would like to thank our generous sponsors for their continued support of DiscoverE.



BAE Systems

Glenn W. Bailey Foundation
